Monday, July 14, 2008


Why do I get so stressed when making vacation plans?? I shouldn't complain I guess, but seriously folks....STRESSED! I need the vacation to recover from the stress of buying the tickets. I actually break down crying in the airport...FOR NO REASON.
I am excited cause we just got our plane tickets for our 3rd semi-annual Bradford family Cabo San Lucas trip. However, I am just awaiting the email telling me our flights are canceled, that I'm not allowed on the airplane, or times change...or whatever. And I'm not joking....last year after we checked in at the airport to leave to Mexico, I burst into tears. Spencer was so confused. He figured I would cry when we would have to leave to come back home. NOPE. I was so relieved that we actually had our tickets in hand and on the way to the terminal and there were no problems that I started crying....And I'm not talking about one glistening tear. I WAS SOBBING!! I get so nervous the night before we go the airport that I sweat, I can't sleep AT ALL, and I quadruple check EVERYTHING. I am one of the most chill people I know. Except when I am about to go on vacation.
Coming back home...different story. I couldn't care less if something went wrong and I was able to stay a few days or even live there the rest of my life.
But can someone please offer an explanation or some tips on how to control my stressed state. I need serious help. Does anyone else go through the same thing?? Even while I was purchasing the tickets, I had to call all family members and confirm times and dates...I am a WRECK right now. I should be celebrating. Alas, I'll be popping Pepto for the next 4 months.


Kari Whiting said...

hey lady sorry im not much help with your stress issue. i kinda love airports and cause corey's a pilot it makes it a little better, oh i know just have spencer become a pilot and that'll fix it, jk but i wanter to tell you i LOVE LOVE your new photo at the top of your blog!!

Dmcguire25 said...

So let me get this straight, you are afraid something will go wrong? Is that the problem? I usually alot enough time to get there and if you are late, they will get you on another flight. No big deal. Then, if the flight is canceled they will put you on another one. Stressing 4 months out is crazy lady. Remember you have no control and if God wants you to miss, be late, or forgets something it will happen no matter how much you stress or worry. So give up, the big man above has your back. Now Daniel is another story he may tease you for all the rotten things you did to him growing up. So you might worry! LOL, you have wonderful people watching over you, shut up already and go giggle in a corner somewhere. Miss ya love.

PS How do I add friends if I dont have there email. Can I do it through here.

Matt and Jeanette said...


Could you stop with the water works...Don't cry- just think of all the fabulous memories you will be making with yours truly in December! Volleyball, pina coladas, sushi. Matt in short shorts! The tickets worked and we will see you in 4 months!

Matt and Jeanette said...
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