Sunday, July 13, 2008

Family thoughts

I got news that one of my cousins had a baby yesterday and another cousin is going on a mission to Alabama. That is sooooo exciting!!
Sometimes I get so sad that my family is so small. Especially after Daniel passed away. And I only have 7 cousins. 2 of which I haven't seen since I was 10 years old, and the other 5 live in Salt Lake and are fabulous...but rarely get to see them. And my niece Siera ....well who knows when I'll ever get to see her again... I get so envious when I see all these HUGE family reunions and kids jumping in pools and BBQ's and siblings wrestling with each other. It makes me sad. But then I think of the family I DO have. My brother Matt is such a geek....and at the same time the coolest guy in the world, I couldn't have asked for a better oldest brother!! If Jerry Seinfeld and Ben Affleck ever had a would look just like him. And I can't wait for him to marry Jeanette, cause her family is HUGE and I will slowly and methodically maneuver my way into her HUGE family to be a necessary favorite at ALL family functions. And then my parents.....SO AWESOME! My dad is the coolest guy to have ever walked the planet ....see poem below....and my mom is the nicest, funniest, hippest mom I could have ever asked for, when the both of us start laughing at something at the same usually takes hours for us to get control of ourselves much fun.
Everyone always says the grass is greener on the other side....But when I stop and think about how awesome my family IS and how it IS growing...slowly but surely...I get all warm and fuzzy inside.
And then I think well, if you would just start having kids..... But then if I get in that mind set of "poor me" I think of how great Spencer and I have it right now. We can pick up and go whenever and wherever we please, we are rarely late for anything, we can go to movies in the theater, we have date night every other night, it's quiet, I don't have worry ulcers, etc.
I have realized that whatever situation people may be in....basic human nature makes us want what we don't have. Yes, I want kids and a LARGE family to always be able to play with ....but I am so happy with what I have now. And for that, I am extremely grateful.


Dmcguire25 said...

You are the best and when it is time to have kids and grow your family, it will. I agree that it seems that the grass is greener but only when you look really quick. Even though it may look greener, there are still weeds, pests, and other bad things in any patch of grass no matter how green it looks. So be happy with that wonderfully green small patch that is lush, full, and happy because bigger is not always better... Well except in certain case's like making babies then maybe bigger is better... Sorry got off track. :) Love you babe and I wish you would come visit so you could meet and see these babies you would fall in love and I would share them! Love ya

Kari Whiting said...

hey just read your post and i totally agree with you i was wondering if you could tell danielle I would like to look at her blog and be her blog friend too. that would be great thanks still waiting to get together,humm?

Tina said...

No worries you are already an essential around here. We love you guys and you are always welcome wherever we happen to be. No worries, family will come and jsut enjoy the time you have with jsut Spencer now.
Keep your head up!

Want more Ma said...

You know that you are part of my family. I miss you and hope you make it back to SLC soon.
I think of you often, I also think of Dan too.