Sunday, July 20, 2008

Great movie

Friday night...Volleyball. Some good volleyball too! You know how I can tell it was good volleyball? My forearms are still on fire. so much pain from the previous nights sport that I didn't fall asleep til 4 am, causing me to sleep in til noon. Went to the pool for a couple of hours....and then.....(drum roll please).....

Wow. So intense. You really can't even compare it with Ironman. Both are incredible, but this was just Applause for Heath Ledger! He was amazing. I loved how with how crazy he had to act, his character still made the audience laugh at some parts, when for the majority of the time it was just scary. And Christian Bale..I think he has officially surpassed Crowe and is now my favorite actor of all time. Crowe had zoomed ahead after Gladiator...but Bale is so diverse and talented...and you can tell he works hard at everything he has ever done. And for all you others who claim to be a big fan of his....I win. I was diggin his chili back when he starred in "Empire of the Sun", I think he was about 12 years old. If you haven't seen that movie, you need to.
So, that was the highlight of this weekend. Thanks to Jason and Michelle for getting our tickets early. The whole weekend was sold out by Friday night.

1 comment:

Shaun Nansel Whipple said...

I have to agree with you there. I LOVE Bale!! He is amazing! We just watched another newer movie he was in and he is so amazing!