Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I Stand All Amazed

Spencer and I are now affiliates with Amazon, because we love all of their great deals and aren't able to make it to make it to the closest Borders very often, seeing as how it's a 20 minute drive. Anyway, please use our banners if you are a customer of theirs, or if it is something you would be interested in. Anyway, if you haven't read this book yet, you should! You won't be able to put this book down. It is about a woman who was pronounced dead for many hours, came back to life, and what she saw while on the other side dramatically changed her life. She was deserted thereafter by her family and friends, until 2 strangers knocked on her door. You won't be dissapointed.

Here is a used copy I found for quit a bit cheaper.


Heather said...

Is it really cheap and cheesy for me to ask if I can borrow it? (I'll compliment you even more on your attire on Sunday and not mention where you bought it . . . :>)

Spencer and AnnaMarie said...

I(Spencer) originally posted this for Anna-Marie's mom who wanted to read it after hearing what we said about it. We read it in Mesa and had borrowed it from someone else.

I posted a used one on there for less than half the price of the new one.