Thursday, December 31, 2009

Hero-flex...a resolution

So we went to our favorite place for dinner last night on the marina. Baja Cantina.

We met our friends there that Spencer went fishing with yesterday (they caught 9 MahiMahi).

As we are sitting there laughing and talking there is a HUGE commotion behind me. I turn around and see a bar stool from the restaurant next to ours being tossed into a guys face. And guys chasing another guy and beating him down. My natural reaction to such circumstances is, I'm sorry to say, FREEZE! I become completely frozen. I HATE IT! Well, as soon as I realize what is going on, I also realize that Spencer is nowhere to be seen. Apparently his natural reaction is to jump in and help, or at least find out what happened and then help.

Apparently, some American walked up to another American having dinner, and said, "I think I should punch you in the face." And then proceeded to do so. The guy who got hit..his friend picked up the barstool to throw at the guy doing the hitting. Spencer immediately jumped up to go find out what was happening and help if need be. (crazy).

This is what I have labeled as the 'hero-flex'. The film-producing Dutch man who took out the terrorist on that flight last week has it. Spencer has it. Many friends of mine have it. Marie Edgar Bleak...YES YOU HAVE IT! A natural reflex in the face of trauma or disaster to act IMMEDIATELY. I am very pissed that I don't have it. I just freeze and look like a deer in headlights. It is very frustrating.
And that is going to be my New Year's resolution. To work out my hero-flex. No matter what happens, I am going to jump up and do SOMETHING.
It may just be yelling or jumping up and down on one leg clucking like a chicken for now...but I just hate sitting there and being useless.


sharon said...

I think about this alot...even set up "on the plane" scenarios to get me thinking how I can help immediately.

Amy S. said...

You're in a new country, you gotta be prepared! Viva Anna Marie!