Thursday, November 19, 2009

La Siesta

One of the things I love about Cabo is also one of the things I don't love about Cabo.

La Siesta.

You know when you call the cable guy, or the plumber, or the air conditioning man, or the pest control man, and they give you a day and time of their arrival. Like Thursday between 2 and 4. And they are usually on time if not a little behind.

Well, when we went to the Telmex store to set up a time for the internet guy to come and hook it up for us...this is the response we received...

"He'll be there between 1 and 10 days."

Excuse me. What are we supposed to do? Wait around?



Shaun Nansel Whipple said...

Wow that sucks! haha People complain here to much then!

Matt and Jeanette said...

Mmmm, I love a good siesta- unless it cuts into my skyping time... somebody should really inform Mexico that Siestas are not the new black!

Man, I want to be in Cabo next week!! So much fun- and plus its getting cold here- and I could use some bathing suit weather...actually on second thought- I am not sure I want to get in a bathing suit right year will be much better for that!! Yes, next year will be great! Dane will be a year, I won't have stretch marks, and we will probably want a break from the fast pace of Alabama living!

Love you guys!! Oh, and I would send you Dane's birth announcement but...I don't have an address for your mexican abode. Do share and so will I!

Laura Earl said...

Anna Marie! I have been thinking about you a TON!! So glad you are there and looks like you are getting settled in.
So Taylor and I want to come and visit you guys for sure when he is done with school. And my sister can hook us up with super cheap tickets. What airport is closest to you guys?
We will get it all planned. Can't wait to hang out with you guys again and for more than just a few hours :)
Miss and love yah!

Spencer and AnnaMarie said...

Laura, that is awesome! Our condo has a great view and we can get into Sunset beach resort for free and play beach volleyball every day.

Going to play in about 10 minutes. So excited you guys are coming!


Spencer and AnnaMarie said...


If you guys come in February we can all stay in the nice!