Wednesday, November 25, 2009

AnnaMarie's Top 10...

Thankful List

10. Tons and tons of games and I get rewards for winning. Which is all the time.

9. UPS. For shipping Isagenix to Cabo San Lucas....when no one else will. Even if it does cost $100 to ship one box.

8. Our local movie theater. For having Lazy Boy recliners, and costing only $5.

7. Costco. Whenever I miss the United States, I go to Costco, and the world seems right again.

6. Movies. I LOVE movies. The quotes, the lights, the camera, and the action.

5. Our Condo. It is beautiful, open, has a great view, and most important...I feel safe.

4. My Health. Without which I couldn't play volleyball everyday all day long. Volleyball has been like therapy here. If I feel like I am getting stressed out or just freaking out...I play volleyball and it all just feels better. Plus...I want to avoid the hospitals here like the plague.

3. Church. I couldn't understand a word of it. But I still felt love and the Spirit, and like I was home again.

2. My families. So supportive, and fun, and funny, and competitive, and awesome!

1. Spencer! he's hot.

1 comment:

Shaun Nansel Whipple said...

I like your number 3. I have never been to a session with a different language but where ever we are its nice to have consistancy in the church.