Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Let's Play a Game

You know that game.."If you were stranded on a desert island what five items would you take" or "What five books would you take?" So on and so on. Well, this is my life right now. I am literally playing the game called "I'm moving to Cabo, and the only things I can take are things that can fit in my car." This is what I've got.

Clothes/Bath amenities

Now...which books?? Which DVD's? Which clothes? That is my predicament. I can tell you I've sold more than half of my books, and the ones I am definitely taking are:
Twilight & New Moon
Jane Eyre
Ender's Game
The Blue Day Book

DVD' vice. The good news is I have managed to cut down the number from 400 DVD's to 150. I can't do any better than 150. I cried after I sold "Raising Arizona" and realized I can't do anymore than that. 150 DVD's can easily fit into one Isagenix box. I won't list them. I will list the five movies I WOULD grab if my house went up in flames.
Lord of the Rings Trilogy (yes, that counts as one)
Sense & Sensibility
Pride & Prejudice
P.S I Love You (Don't judge me...this movie hits close to home)

Clothes...again another vice. I have disposed of all my winter clothes. For some odd reason my closet does not appear to have shrunk AT ALL. That is going to take more work.

I may end up cheating during this game. And ship some boxes to friends in Mexico.

What would YOU bring??


Angela said...

Oh man I am not jealous...although I would love to come visit. Good luck picking and choosing...mail them to yourself :)

p.s. I love "p.s. I love you!"

Matt and Jeanette said...

Leave the gun, take the cannoli