Friday, June 5, 2009


Many of you know that I have been doing the Isagenix program on and off for the past 2 years.
After I got married and was done playing volleyball I got really really fat! Working out wasn't helping me as much as I thought it would...and then enter Isagenix. I lost at least 50 lbs over the course of a couple months. If you want to know all about the program and what it's all about click here.

This blog post is not about selling you on the Isagenix program.

This blog post IS about YOU NEEDING TO get on this:

We had some volume to fill on our last order so we decided to try this stuff. HOLY CRAP! I have never felt so full of healthy goodness in my whole life!!
It tastes like absolute rabbit turd...but I'm telling you that I feel like a 100% active, high energy, non hungry type of person ALL DAY LONG!!

Here's more reasons why I love it so much. I am hungry all day long everyday. I think I have a hollow leg where all the food I eat goes, because I never get full. Well, ever since I started on The Greens I have not had any cravings of any kind, and I don't get hungry anymore after I just ate something!!

I think my body just craves all the goodness in this stuff and after my system gets filled with it in the mornings, my body says "It's all good, go have and do whatever you need to today."

Now, like I said, it tastes like rabbit crap....BAD! Spencer likes it, he says it tastes like tea. There you go...I HATE TEA! I have tried teas...never liked one.
Well, it comes in powder form and you mix it with 8oz. of water. I just plug my nose and down it as fast as I can whilst closing my eyes. And I'm right as rain.

Every person in the whole world should try this at least once. You will be astonished at how much better you feel...throughout the whole day!!

Click here for the nutritional label...It's crazy how much healthy stuff they've got in it.
seriously, how many of us honestly get our vegetable fill every day??



Dmcguire25 said...

How much is it?

Spencer and AnnaMarie said...

It is $40 for 30 servings. Which is one month. $40 for a WHOLE MONTH of veggie goodness. not bad.