Saturday, May 23, 2009

A different kind of customer

So Craig's List is my new best friend. Or has been yesterday and today anyway. I had people coming all morning long to purchase different items here and there for items I had just posted on Craig's List yesterday! It's been great. Well, we have a huge family of geese that have taken up residence in our neighborhood pond. One of the geese is always just hanging out across the street on a grassy knoll. I noticed that all morning long he was watching people coming and going. He hadn't moved for hours.

Our last customer leaves and Spencer decides to go get the mail. As soon as he opened the door this goose CHARGES at him to come in the door!! I guess he wanted to see what was happening. So Spencer closes the door fast...(this goose could move). Well, we thought maybe the goose could be hungry. I went to fridge and got some whole wheat tortillas, and this is what happened.

It was so sweet. These guys are normally pretty vicious, and hiss at us every time we dare walk by them to get the mail, but this guy was so sweet. He just wanted to do a "check it out" thing.


Angela said...

Geese scare me to death! But I am glad you have made friends.

Dmcguire25 said...

OMG that is so darm cute!!! When are you moving? Email me and tell me everything! You do remember me right? You smoothered me once and spit on me several times in laughter attacks at work. Love ya!