Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Tender Mercies of a Professor

As I walk into class, my stomach upset and palms sweating, thoughts are driving through my head..."did I study enough? what is the definition of that word again? Maybe I should reread that one section before the exam starts..." The teacher comes in and I settle on taking deep slow breaths to steady my racing pulse.
The test is placed in my hands and the nervousness subsides as I see T/F and multiple choice. Wow, this may not be anything like what I was expecting. With the turn of each page, my pulse becomes slower and more steady, my breathing more regular, and my sweat crawls back into their pores.
The turning to the last two pages is where my initial feelings of dread and anxiety make their triumphant return. As I stare at the six essay questions and realize that I can only recall one of them in their full definitive measure I am overcome with the panic and nauseau that I had so hoped had made their permanent and final exit. My face gets red hot, I search the room seeking another desperate face that says "What the ???"; and as I end my prayer of pleading I hear the words of an angel whisper to me "you may use your text book for the next 30 minutes". Confusion and disappointment enter my mind. I will not cheat! Then a voice more loud and clear..."You can use your books!" This is just not possible. I raise my head to see that everyone else must have heard the same voice I did. To break the silent tension of awe and bewilderment I speak aloud, "Excuse me, what??" Laughter and joy fill the room, as the professor silently claimed to have been the angel I thought whispering to me.


Grimes said...

I remember those days and you know what? I kinda miss them!

Dmcguire25 said...

Oh I am so glad! Let us know how you did? I think you probably rocked it!!!