Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Duchess review

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So Michelle and I got free movie screening passes to see The Duchess last night. Incredible movie. However...

The amount of emotion I felt at the end was overwhelming. Im not talking about tears. I'm talking about rage. There was no 'let' throughout the movie. You know...when you come across a troublesome scene and then there is a light moment to ease the pain you feel for your heroine. Oh NO! I felt a little rage at the beginning, and then some more...and then more...and then 'hey, let's make it even worse' MORE...and then by the end I was actually sweating from the restraint of not screaming!!

But I did like it. Ralph Fiennes is a most excellent villain. Oh, and the costumes were incredible, definitely Oscar worthy.


Angela said...

The rage huh? Poor Spencer I hope he didn't get the result of holding it all in throughout the movie :)
What is it even about? I can't tell.

Dmcguire25 said...

What was that rated? Naughty girl! Hope you had fun it looks like an awesome movie!

The Gallagher Family said...

I'm glad I couldn't get a ticket, I wouldn't have wanted to sit next to you while you sweat! :) I'm so jealous you to see it!

Stephanie said...

sorry, random visit. My google reader recommended your blog, and your name seemed familiar, so I checked it out and looked at your profile and you live in Stallings, where I moved from 2 years ago.... actually Crismark subdivision. I was in the Matthews Ward. You don't look familiar to me in the photos, but crazy coincidence. Anyway, it was fun to visit your blog.