Sunday, August 10, 2008



So lets see if I can organize my thoughts.

I loved this book. Not for the story. Even though the story was good. But it gave me a great insight into myself and well, all humans for that matter.
What is it with humans and the super hero worship that we've all got going on? And I'm not talking about just today. Every culture for thousands of years have had their own 'super heroes' or "Gods" as they referred to them as, which are still studied and read about today. And nowadays, numerous comic books, and invincible video game characters, and how many movies have come out this year alone about humans with all these super powers. And there is even a TV show "Heroes". Then the books about werewolves and vampires and magical students.... the Inheritance books about dragon riders, Lord of the Rings , Chronicles of Narnia, the Harry Potter books (this list could go on forever) and then the Twilight series and we have arrived at "Breaking Dawn". I've got to say, I didn't get depressed about not having super powers until I read this book. Stephanie Meyer's description of Bella as she is experiencing her first few moments as a vampire, is astonishing....and in my case, quite possibly suicide inducing. :)
After I read that chapter of her transformation I felt so......human. And by that I mean weak. So, I thought...why? Why, am I feeling this sense of hopelessness?? So, I pondered for a second on why we have numerous, countless, endless stories and this enduring attraction to possessing these super human capabilities. One or two different stories I can understand. Like for example, The Mummy movies. One or two was fine....they really shouldn't have gone on to a 3rd.
And then this quote popped into my head on explaining the existence of God from James Talmage's book "Articles of Faith". "... subjection to a supreme power is an inborn attribute of mankind." I love that word, Inborn.
It is inside of us....this natural inclination to worship. why? Because we do indeed have a Heavenly Father who created us and sent us here to learn. We are His children. So, our spirits all have an INBORN attribute which guide us to worship. No matter what way we choose to worship. "...even the most revolting of ...practices testify to the existence of a God by demonstrating man's hereditary passion for worship."
It seems to me that there is also a hereditary passion for possessing 'super powers'.

So, where am I going with this? Well, as I was dwelling on my aforementioned hopelessness, due to my realization that I can never be a vampire, I was quietly calmed and soothed. It came to me that it may be INBORN in each of us to know what we are capable of without our bodies of flesh and blood. "The spirit truly is ready, but the flesh is weak." (St Mark 14:38)

And then I got so excited. I am going to have these super powers someday...just not while I am chained in this tabernacle of flesh. I've always heard that our bodies will be perfected after our life here...I always just took that to mean that I would be wearing a size 2.
Oh no... It finally dawned on me that it is much more than that. And we won't even consider it as 'super powers'...we'll just think of it as easily as the Cullen family did....instinct. I also think that is why children have such active imaginations. When I was little I had dream after dream that I could fly...that I could do anything my mind wanted me to. Little ones are still so close to the veil, that their spirits haven't adjusted to this binding mortal body they have been enclosed in. So their minds are racing. And as we get older we just get use to it, and accept our lot.
And then I remembered my favorite quote. We ARE more powerful than beyond measure.

So my bottom line is this. I get to be a vampire without having to drink blood. and Im so excited about it.


Dmcguire25 said...

You are the only person I know who can quote the bible and yet desire to be a vampire in the same breathe! You are my hero Lady! How is the birthday count down going? I miss you and you get smarted and more well spoken by the blog! Love ya!

Heather said...

I never would have thought that a Breaking Dawn synopsis would blend in with scripture . . . great insights. Make sure you come to book club and share them this month. :)

Brenda said...

I love being able to read your blog (I got there off of Julie's)and see what is going on in your life. Wish I saw you as often as I think of you guys.
We all love you.