Sunday, September 6, 2009

Turning 29

is depressing.

And I don't want to hear from anyone out there older than 29 saying...'WHAT? YOU'RE STILL SO YOUNG!' Of course I you. But be honest, you know you have gotten to some birthdays where you feel like you are crossing over lines and borders of when you consider yourself at a young or old age. Well, I think 29 is mine. Technically, I'm already 30 years old....You don't turn 1 the day you enter this world. You turn 1 after you have already been here 12 whole months. So, yeah, I might has well be 30. And I just still remember being a 5 year old who when she would ask how old someone was and there was a number 3 or more as the first digit in a double digit number, I immediately tuned them out and just referred to them as old. grrrrr.......

But thanks be to my loving family and friends who left me numerous happy birthday wishes and cards. Love you all. However, only chocolate fudge ice cream, blueberry muffins, and chicken divan can spin me out of this turning 29 depression.
Bring on the food


Shaun Nansel Whipple said...

I love your kitchen! Happy birthday. When I turned 25 a few months ago I cried. lol

Brenda said...

I actually thought of you on your day but I did not get a card off.
Love you lots and enjoy your age. Trust are still young!!

Derrick, Rochelle, Talen, Ava and Lyla said...

Your sooo old! Oh wait, I turned 29 last February. Nevermind your younger than I thought. I'm terrified of turning 30 since I didn't handle 29 all that well.