Sunday, September 27, 2009


I haven't blogged for awhile, and really that is just because the same things go through my mind everyday that I really don't care to remember in the future, such as;

-when is our furniture going to sell so we can get our house up for rent
-why won't our agent rent our house out furnished
-do we really have to sell our wonderful life-altering couches for so cheap
-wow..they finally sold
-why hasn't our house sold yet, I don't want to have to rent it out
-October is a few days away and we still haven't sold or rented our house
-I could be in Cabo San Lucas next week if it wasn't for our house
-Why did we decide to buy a house again?

You get the idea.

So yes...we could be in Cabo next week, living on a beach, but instead we have to sweat out our house selling or renting out to possible psychos that could destroy the place.

That's the update.


Grimes said...

ouch. that stinks

Matt and Jeanette said...

Wow, talk about a Debbie Downer! I feel sad!

I didn't realize that you are waiting on the house to sell so you can go to Mexico. BOOOOOO! Put the house on Craig's list and list it for one dollar. People do that all the time and the things they are selling are NOT one dollar! People will be like "Wow, a house for a dollar." They'll see the house in the pics and then realize they can't live with out the sofas and the house!

I really hope things work out! Love you guys!