Sunday, June 21, 2009


After 2 days of a grueling outdoor yard sale; a total of 17 hours standing in the HUMID AND HOT sun, negotiating prices on junk, while getting sucked by 12 mosquitoes...we have achieved success.
It's all gone.

We've learned a very valuable lesson in this. We weren't looking for a lesson, but we learned one anyway. NO MORE ACCUMULATING JUNK! Seriously. We were looking around at all of our stuff before the sale started, and seriously, who needs stuff?? We swear that the next home we own we are going to fill with furniture that is a necessity to have and not just decorative useless things that just keep piling up and never used for anything. What a waste of money. But we were able to get alot of that money yippee.

I'll just spruce up our next house with my own painting and art. That will force me to get good at it.

We plan to head to California this week. So sad..I'll do a North Carolina tribute blog entry once I start feeling upset about it...which will coincide with my quarter size mosquito bites dissipating.


Matt and Jeanette said...

Wow!! Can't believe it! Okay, so I am over telling you how crazy you its just exciting! Cabo or Bust! and Matt must have the same porcelain skin...he's always whining about the dang mosquitos! And...amen to not accumulating junk! Hopefully I will learn my lesson through you! Good luck with the big move to CA. We are going to miss the occasional visits. You guys are the best! Love you both!

Janna Stevens said...

Are you going to make a short stop in your old stomping grounds of Phoenix? Please tell me yes and that you will be here before june 27th! Cause I am leaving town for nine days for my caribbean cruise. Or you could make ur way here around July 7th ish! I wouldn't mind either way! I miss you. Hope all is well.

Dmcguire25 said...

Are you stopping in AZ?