My fan club (Jeanette) has since posted complaint regarding the oldness of my blog entry.
My apologies if this doesn't captivate the masses.
I finished reading Brisingr..the 3rd book in the Inheritance series. Great book. I love the series. Very much like Lord of the Rings....not nearly as good, but still instills that great desire for the triumph of good vs. evil. And I really want a pet dragon.
I started and finished Angels and Demons..also very good. Movie comes out in May.
I am using my Dremmel tool to engrave a wooden 'something' for one of my friends as a Christmas present. I love that tool. You can do just about anything with it. From sharpening knives to cleaning car batteries to widdling wood. genius.
Last night Michelle and I went to her gym to play a pick up game of volleyball. However, they cancelled volleyball due to few numbers, so we walked the track for an hour while discussing our burning passions for "Twilight" to get to theaters.
As for the upcoming weekend... working and temple. And constant body cleansing. I've got to get into contending shape for our trip to Cabo next month. Beach volleyball in a bathing suit....yeah, the less that jiggles the better.