Tuesday, September 23, 2008

To start off the wedding weekend

Got to Idaho at 12:34pm on Thursday the 18th. Drove 30 minutes to Melba, ID, home of the Zeyer family. Farmland.... B-E-A-utiful!This is the view from the Zeyer's back porch. This picture really doesn't do it justice.

These Zeyer's know how to get a party started!! To start off ...see those mountains in the background of that picture..that is where Jeanette's dad took all of us 4 wheeling!! SO MUCH FUN!!! I found my new hobby! It took me about 10 minutes to get comfortable, and then I was going up steep boulderous mountains. GOOD TIMES!!Me and my beautiful new sister

So we got COVERED IN DUST!! After I realized that I was covered in it, I looked at Spencer, and I had never seen anything so sexy!! We need to get him dirty more often! That's the hotness right there...I especially liked the look of him wearing MY female gender sunglasses...

The Zeyer family...Brent, Spencer, Jane, Aaron, Jeanette, Matt, and my Spencer
We stopped at this place miles out on our 4 wheelers....Brent showed us some interesting porcupines that actually grow on plants..;)

When we were done, I dared Spencer that he couldn't go up this mountain of soft dirt.
he did.
It's ALOT steeper than it looks.
And then, I bet Spencer that if he went really fast..due to my intense beach training, I could keep up with him....see the dirt flying up in the top right corner....SO FAST! Look at me GO!

That really was the GREATEST fun...Way to kick off a GREAT weekend!!

1 comment:

Julie said...

You have the hottest body! I'm jealous! But I'm sure you work a lot harder than I do. I sure love ya cousin... I'm glad the wedding went well. We love Matt, and I'm sure we'll lover her too.