Sunday, September 7, 2008

Happy 32nd Birthday Daniel

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In honor of your 32nd birthday today, I will write one of my favorite memories of you. When we were living in SLC together, and I was working at that Marketing firm. You came and got me for lunch and when we got back to my office, you had no idea that a corporate meeting was happening in the main office area. So, upon entering the door, you say at your loudest decibel "LUCY, I'm HOME." A room full of about 50 executives from all over the country busted out into laughter. classic.


Julie said...

Happy Birthday to you and to Dan! I love and miss both of you! We've all got a favorite story of your brother... mine was when he was sure his jetta was better than my audi and you know it was vice versa for me, well as he was following me to a friend's house, my audi slid on the ice and ended up in someone's front yard. He won that argument... fair and square! Love ya cous!

CNHGustad said...

Sure love you!! I am glad you had a great birthday!! I love what you did for Daniel. I hope your day has been peaceful and happy. Love you!! Thanks for spending Friday morning with me and Michelle!!

Dmcguire25 said...

You are the greatest sister ever. I am so proud of you and you make Daniel's life full just by living the life you do! You are one of the kindest, nicest, and most honorable people I have ever met. You truthful made my life and me a better just for knowing you. I know this is a day late but I wasn't on the computer yesterday I love you and happy birthday!

Brenda said...

What a wonderful, thoughtful post to Dan. I thought about him lots on his birthday. One memory that stands out in my mind is when Dan and your parents came to our home before he entered the MTC.
Dan had a great sense of humor and could always make us smile. One thing I love about him is that he was fearless and determined to do what is right and ...he cared about others.
Thanks again for reminding us of him. He has had such a great impact for good on all of us.
Love to you!

Amy said...

Happy LATE birthday to you and Dan! We all miss you and Spencer and hope to see you sometime in the near future. My favorite memory of Dan is when we went to lunch in his jetta and he played Brian Regan for us. That was the first time I had ever heard him and we were all laughing uncontrolably. Love you Dan!