Sunday, September 7, 2008


I had a great birthday weekend. Friday morning I woke up early and went running at Beatty Park. I usually go in the late afternoons after work, and it is so hot and humid and icky, I just run hoping to get it over with faster. However, Friday morning at 8 am...the air was cool, crisp, and the lake looked like glass. And I was able to think. I wasn't concerned about getting run down by mountain bikers, or hearing screaming kids at the soccer field...It was quiet and tranquil. I think that that was one of the highlights of the weekend. So for breakfast my 2 best girlfriends Michelle and Nicole took me 40 minutes away to Cracker Barrell. DIVINE! Those pecan pancakes make me feel like a giddy school girl. The rest of the day I really just enjoyed the fact that I wasn't at work. So, then we come to my actual birthday...Saturday. ( It really is never just one day, is it?)
Slept in until 9am....and all I wanted to do all day was play with Spencer. I know that sounds so cheesy and gay. But I don't care. He has been working so hard everyday all day long, and even though he works at home, I feel like I never get to see him, because of how hard he works and focuses on his clients. So, he had ZERO appointments. We went to the pool, and no one was there, weird cause it was a PERFECT pool day. Then I decided that after dinner I just wanted to sit on our couches with chocolate cake and watch the 4th season of The Office. We missed the whole season so we were really excited. Spencer had made reservations at The Macaroni Grill and a lady sang to me in Italian. We know they do that for everyone, but what made it so special, is that Spencer called days ahead and told them what he wanted them to do, instead of hoping I'll go use the restroom so he can let the waiter know. it's the little things.

As for gifts. Im the type of person who would rather take the money Spencer would spend on a gift for me, and go get what I want myself. So, clothes...lots of clothes.

So my favorite things...Spencer, running, tanning, food, cake, laughing at The Office. All my favorite things. The only thing that could have made this better was if it was all done in Cabo. ..........not soon enough.


Shaun Nansel Whipple said...

Ohhh I love your hair! Happy Birthday!

Julie said...

You look beautiful!

Brenda said...

Happy Birthday To You!!!!!
Consider yourself sung to. You look radiant and happy. Hope the next year is full of joy and happiness for you and Spencer.
You are a wonderful person and we all love you!

Matt and Jeanette said...

Its a birthday that just keeps giving...your birthday wishes are in the mail. Random gift-but its a goodie!! See you guys in 9 days!

Derrick, Rochelle, Talen, Ava and Lyla said...

ah-ha, I found your blog. Now I can stalk you:), I mean keep up with whats going on with you and Spencer. Angela, just had her 4th little girl (Kate) but maybe you heard that from Mark. Well, hope you had a great birthday. Rochelle