Thursday, April 9, 2009

No longer on the B team

That's right folks.


I did actually put in a week and a half notice, but since the corporate monster likes to dig it's proverbial claws into those who try to avoid being institutionalized, I'M GONE!

My friend Jason described it best with the scene at the end of Braveheart. "I feel like laying on a slab table and screaming...............

Or maybe Michael Scott says it best.


Dmcguire25 said...

Well I am glad for you! It was hard to work in the area we did because there was a glass ceiling and we could not move very much in the company. However, people less qualified to handle customer could because they did a different job!!! That was what I was frustrated with. Oh well, enjoy being unemployed and do not distract spencer all day at home do you know what or he will be jobless too!!! LOL lOVE YA GIRL!!!

Heather said...

Congratulations! It's been a long time coming. You deserve it. :)