Sunday, November 9, 2008

Peer Pressure

My life this past week has been mentally exhausting, and physically boring. Meaning, I haven't really done anything AT ALL, except sweat about my upcoming interview with my college counselor this Tuesday, and pray that Gog and Magog will happen while I'm in Cabo so I can stay there with my family for longer than 2 weeks.

That would be the extent of this post, except that I was tagged by ANGELA, so in succumbing to peer pressure, here is my 4th picture in my 4th folder. It is a picture of the cutest gramps EVER! Actually, it's my dad..but doesn't he look like the cutest grandpa!

Okay...I tag JANNA!! (and really anyone else who wants to play)


Angela said...

that is a great picture of your dad

CNHGustad said...

HI.. I am just letting you know too you were tagged by me to tell me about your Unspectacular Quirks!! Looking forward to hearing!!

Janna Stevens said...

anna...I don't know what that means. I'm tagged but I don't know what to do...OMG help me!!!