You know the movie 'Armageddon'? The line right before blast off, from Owen Wilson...."I'm 90% excited, and 10% scared...or it could be 90% scared and 10% excited." That is how I feel. Yeah, we aren't going to have the comfort of nice solid paychecks, and there is always the possibility of failure with anything..but at least we can't say we didn't try. And Spencer is so self motivating, and great with people, and he's got the Renegade Marketer down pat, so really, we have nothing to fear but the unknown...and that is what is so darn exhilarating. But if we do come a knockin on YOUR door for some food and shelter..please take pity..:)
You know the saying "If you build it, they will come". Well, I am taking a little different of an approach to the same theory. "If you paint it, they will come." 'Paint' spare room, and 'they'
Please keep that in mind when you see the finished paint job. The yellow turned out a little brighter than I had hoped....(being called Optimistic Yellow should have tipped me off... if I had only seen a Pess
Tell me what you think. (not that I am going to change it if you hate it, I just like feedback) In case you are wondering the other 3 walls you can't see are that Yellow color....luckily this pic doesn't do the brightness justice.
Oh, and no molding and window treatments are my next project for that room.
So, I am reading a great series right now. The books are "The Twentieth Wife" and "Bed of Roses". No, I'm not and nor do I support the polymagist sect of those that call themselves mormons. These books are historical fiction set during the Indian Mughal Empire during the early 1600's. Fascinating. But so glad I did not live back in those days as a woman, except for all their jewelry and colorful clothing...other than that...Im glad it is at a 'reading about' distance.
A few weeks ago we had a tornado scare passed just 5 miles away from us. So of course, I give the obligatory "I'm safe" phone call to my parents. And they give me all their pointers on what to do and all the signs...(they themselves having never experienced one). They live in the Northwest right on the pacific coast. Well, 3 days ago my mom calls me and tells me that the day before had been over 100 degrees (recordbreaking) and so she opened the windows at night to blow in some cooler air. While she was sleeping she awoke with a fright to hear what sounded like a freight train outside of her window, and the wind was screaming and blowing everything everywhere. Turns out.. up the Redwood Canyon in which they live....tornadoes. One tornado ripped up a Redwood and put it right on top of their barn. The inspectors found 15 other GIANT Redwood trees all uprooted and tossed. My point in bringing up the previous story with me and a tornado here is this. Spencer and I think we are prepared if we were to have a tornado. But we may not be prepared for earthquakes or volcano's cause those just don't happen here. However, I am starting to see a trend in mother nature as of late. Crazy things are happening all over the world in places they have never happened before and people aren't prepared for them. So this is me on my soapbox of saying please get prepared with emergency equipment no matter where you are. If you don't know where to least get water! Water bottles or barrels of it....just get extra water. People can live without food for a few days...but water is essential. A water main broke around my neighborhood a few days ago just for 3 hours...and some homes were left without running water. Within 1 hour the Harris Teeter and Bi-Lo were completely empty of ANY water they had for sale. And that is your lesson for today. Thank you and I'll be here all week.
hey I LOVE the colors, and your right it would be good for any gender of child. i am jealous though i wish i had my own house to paint. i love decorating. i'd still like to get together sometime. call me when ever
love kari
The colors look amaing!
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